3 Things That STOP You From Making Great Coffee at Home!

Does Your Home Espresso Coffee Look Like This...


Controversial: 3 Things that stop you from making great coffee at home & what we can do to help you fix this injustice!

We know how frustrated you must be, trying and trying to brew that perfect cup of coffee at home and wasting heaps of coffee beans to try and get at least one or two perfect cups of coffee.

You have every right to be frustrated because you have potentially being mislead the whole time about brewing great coffee at home but dont worry, we can help you understand the 3 simple things that you need to know that are holding you back from that perfect cup!


#1. Your coffee could be stale!

Thats right, if you buy coffee from a supermarket or a grocer it could potentially be stale. If you cant find a roast date on your bag of coffee it could be a sign that the coffee you are trying to brew is no longer suitable, especially for espresso brewing.

Solution: Buy fresh coffee from a reputable coffee roaster, at Mikro we roast daily so when you order your coffee and by the time you receive it, it will be optimal for brewing at home!You can get freshly roasted, quality coffee from us right here at mikro.coffee !


#2 You are using the wrong cup!

Thats right! I discovered this when i started working in our cafes and brewing coffee at home for my old folks on their home espresso machine, the coffee always tasted too milky even though I used the same coffee we achieved amazing results with at our cafes.

I fell in to the same trap that you are in right now!If you are trying to make a mug of your favourite cappuccino and it tastes too milky or too strong you need to reconsider the size of the cup you are using and here is the reason why...

If your mug is say 400ml and you are using a single shot of espresso from your home machine your milk to espresso ratio is not the best, if you want to use a single shot espresso we would recommend no more than 140 to 180ml of milk.

Same goes for black coffee, if you use too much hot water for your long black for example 400ml to a single espresso or even a double espresso it will taste weak and watery.

Solution: Aim for a ratio of 1 espresso to 140-180ml of milk. This can often be solved by drinking your coffee from a smaller sized cup.


#3 Your brew recipe is wrong!

Did you know that the recipe to brew great coffee is just as important as baking the perfect cake, one or two simple mistakes can ruin your coffee.

Solution: All you need is a humble set of kitchen scales and the right brew recipe!Want to learn more and let us help you change your home coffee game so you can impress your partner, your friends or your family members with your new learned barista skills!


Sounds good?



Get 1Kg of Mikro coffee FREE with your Online one-on-one VIP coffee lesson and believe me, you and your family and friends will be very impressed with your honed and mastered Barista skills!


Maddie Meddings

Maddie is a surf, travel and lifestyle photographer and filmmaker, based on the weather beaten bluffs of North Cornwall, UK. Maddie’s work embodies the coastal experience, whether that’s taking a glimpse beneath its waters, swimming the seemingly infinite shoreline or, of course, surfing its scabrous seas. With a penchant for all things outdoors, Maddie aims to capture the utilisation of the wildest corners and those that reside there.

Lucy and Maddie have previously created an award winning film called Yama, that follows Lucy to Ghana to meet up with a pioneering group of female surfers and skateboarders.

Lucy Small

Lucy was brought into the spotlight in 2021 when she called out the organisers of a surf contest in Sydney for awarding less than half of the prize money to the women than the men in a video that went viral and made global news headlines. Since then, Lucy has continued to shine a light on issues of gender equality in sport through her campaign Equal Pay for Equal Play.

Lucy was the first longboarder on the cover of the iconic masthead Tracks in a shot that was the first time two women (surfer and photographer) had teamed up for the cover of Tracks in its 50 year history. Lucy has been a WSL Longboard World Tour competitor and represented Australia in the ISA World Longboard Championships.

Pacha Luque Light

Pacha was born in the Ecuadorian Andes to environmental activist parents working with local communities protecting some of the most precious forest ecosystems on the planet. She came across surfing almost by accident at 10 years old - the only way she could afford a new board was by 'dance busking'. Pro-surfer Laura Enever saw her, joined in and gave Pacha her backup board.

Pacha has since gone on to travel the globe, competing on the World Qualifying Series, learning, connecting and sharing stories of incredible people from many different cultures and backgrounds, seeking a deeper purpose along the way. Pacha has returned to Ecuador in recent years, spending time with family and deepening her connection to her Ecuadorian roots.