Bay Leaf Community Kitchen is a non-profit charity providing quality home cooked meals and support for families in need in the Geelong region.
Sea Shepherd Australia - Protecting our oceans from pollution and poaching
Did you know that your home Espresso machine is working against you?
Thats Right!
The odds of you making great coffee at home are heavily stacked against you. Your home machine is programmed by the factory to make below average coffee and we can show you why and how to fix this injustice!
We know how frustrating it must be for you as I have been in your shoes 8 years ago when i first started brewing coffee at home on my new Breville dual boiler machine.
I made all the mistakes that you are likely making right now... Does this sound familiar?
Watery and tasteless coffee?
Your espresso shot looks and smells good but your latte tastes milky?
Your coffee tastes bitter or too acidic ?
Now here is where it all changes for you!
All thanks to our professional baristas ready to teach you the real reasons why your espresso machine is setting you up to fail and what you need to do to make it work for you and so much more.
Let our expert baristas come straight to your kitchen or home office (virtually) in an online interactive format and teach you the secrets and brew recipes we use to make mind-blowing coffee.
Not only that you will never have to worry about trying to guess the mysteries of making the perfect espresso coffee at home, we will include 1kg of your choice of our 3 blends to ensure you have enough coffee for the dialling in process of your home grinder and your home machine and learn to achieve amazing tasting coffee at home!
After you add to cart and purchase your 1Kg of coffee & our barista class we will be in touch to register you and find a time that suits you!
What you need to do right now is this, let us teach you the real skills you can use immediately and believe me, once you take this Online one on one barista class with our Professional barista you will impress your whole family and your closest friends with your newly learned barista skills!
Sounds good?
Simply choose your 1Kg blend of choice and add this online class to cart & we will be in touch with you to organize a time that suits you best!
What you need to have at home for this class:
We use either Watsapp, Google Hangouts, Facebook messenger or Zoom!
Add this class to cart and lets get you making cafe quality coffee at home!